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I am new to programming to iventor and vba and i need to make an Add-In, I've followed almost all of the tutorials to create a Add-In button but it won't show. The Add-In is loaded but doesn't show. I tried debugging but my breakpoint is never reached even when i put it on the Activate method. Go to Solution. Solved by rob. Solved by frederic. Solved by AlexFielder. What guide did you follow? And could you please post the code that you have now, otherwise it's hard to help you.

The code i have is hardly anything i created myself, itried to keep it as basic as possible to get the button to appear and work on from there. I am working on a free trial version of inventor professional not to screw around and mess up things in a live program i don't know if this can cause the problem or not but i doubt that. The best thing you can do since the file you shared is "boiler-plate" anyway is to share the entire solution here as a.

I have no idea but i think not, i didn't add any references after creating the project from the template. I've seen this type of non-loading countless times before and in spite of my having fuslog turned on, cannot figure out what it is that is failing to resolve in this case. I have removed all the image references; the singular reference you had to the stdole. I think part of the long-running issue is that Inventor's mechanism for loading add-ins fails silently so as not to bin the whole application with one erroneous add-in.

The problem with doing that is that there is little-to-no logging available that I am aware of. I'll take another crack at this after lunch as I am sure it is something simple in this case; I just can't put my finger on exactly what right now.

I have no trouble running Inventor pro free trial, not to mess up the real system in trial fases as i'm still a student and still learning , i test on 'smaller' assemblies.

I have tried several other solutions that are known to work elder versions of the add-ins, Phillipe Leefsma projects,.. My guess is that there is either me doing something wrong connecting the project to inventor or that my system and the programs are working with are not meant to be working together, since all the solutions i find are for windows 7 or earlier and visual studio or earlier.

Can anyone confirm that my guess is in the right direction, if so i can start working on another system. You have to do several steps to make an add-in working correct un Inventor. I think it has nothing to do with your computer. So I don't need to add the manifest every time by hand because I have the express-version of Visual studio.

As soon as I updated your solution so that the GUIDs matched in those two places, the break point I had set in the Activate method gets hit. Good spot frederic. I added the right Guid as in my addin file and when i place a breakpoint it still say that it never will be reached. No symbols have been loaded for this document. I also changed the ribbon acces. In your previous post You said you removed all the image references but when i do so i get build errors regarding the stdole reference.

Do you have a draft of your version of the StandardAddInServer file i can compare with? Can it be that i copied a wrong file to the Add-In map, or that i copied the. If I look at the location of the dll in the add-in manager of inventor it reffers to a different location then the one i use as output path for my build.

I don't know where you place your files, but did you read this? To unregister the AddIn, remove the Autodesk. I also saw that in the AssemblyInfo. Where you copy your. Ok, so far so good, only problem now i think is that the add-in doesn't load. I had to unblock it for it to be able to load but it doesn't load now.

Inventor iLogic and VB. Turn on suggestions. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Showing results for. Search instead for. Did you mean:. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations.

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Back to Inventor Category. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Message 1 of Inventor custom Add-In. Hey, I am new to programming to iventor and vba and i need to make an Add-In, I've followed almost all of the tutorials to create a Add-In button but it won't show. I am using Visual Studio and Inventor Any help or sujestions are greatly appreciated.

Rob Rombouts Solved! Tags 2. Tags: add-in. Message 2 of Welcome to the Autodesk community, What guide did you follow? Please kudo if this post was helpfull Please accept as solution if your problem was solved Inventor SP2.

Message 3 of I only added the StandardAddInServer. Preview file. Message 4 of Hey rob. Then we can download and build it and see what might be missing. Thanks, Alex. FWIW: the trial copy of Inventor you're using should have no bearing on whether the add-in runs. Message 5 of Hey, I'll ad the project i have now.

Rob Rombouts. Message 6 of Honestly, I'm stumped. Cheers, Alex. Message 7 of Hey, maybe i can give you some more information about the system i'm woring with. Maybe i have an issue with my system. Message 8 of Message 9 of To make life easier I use a correct add-in with only some buttons. The buttons are calling another DLL that need not all the restrictions for loading in Inventor.

Get control of your sheet metal files. Download the app from matprop. Message 10 of Message 11 of If you think this answer fullfilled your needs, improved your knowledge or leads to a solution, please feel free to "kudos". Message 12 of Message 13 of Message 14 of Hmm, I added the right Guid as in my addin file and when i place a breakpoint it still say that it never will be reached.

Message 15 of Also changed that part, still nothing. Message 16 of Hi, I don't know where you place your files, but did you read this? Message 17 of Yes i've read that, and followed that. Message 18 of



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