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You can now reserve your free upgrade to Windows 10! Here are some basic questions and answers regarding the free upgrade offer:. Q: Is the upgrade really free? Do I need to purchase Windows 10 online free 10 after 1 year? A: With Windows 10, we will offer a free upgrade to Windows 10 for qualified Windows 7 and Windows 8. This upgrade offer is for the full version of Windows 10, not a trial or temporary version of Windows You will not be required to purchase Windows 10 on devices that take advantage of the free upgrade offer after this offer lapses.

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Q: How do I reserve the free upgrade? A: You can reserve your free upgrade by visiting www. Windowx What happens when I make a reservation? Sometime between when you make your reservation and when your upgrade is ready, the files you need for the upgrade will be downloaded to your PC to make the final installation go more quickly.

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A: Yes. You will be able to download Windows 10 installation media to upgrade qualified Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8. Your device will automatically activate online after upgrading to Windows 10 while the free upgrade offer is valid. Q: Can I clean install i. A: No. Clean installs of Windows 10 on a Windows 7 or Windows winddows. For your Winxows 10 installation to be considered an upgrade, carbonite download for windows must start installation of Windows 10 while booted in Windows 7 or Frew 8.

Was this discussion helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Was this reply helpful? I reserved the free upgrade to windows 10, and it says "You're good to go! When the first builds of Windows 10 online free 10 Preview were released, I winsows windows 10 online free new PC on which I did a clean install of Windows 10 Preview and also assigned it to windows 10 online free same Microsoft live. So, for taking advantage of the free upgrade offer, will I be able to windows 10 online free upgrade this PC to the final RTM release of Windows 10 and activate it using my Windows 8 key, or I have to reinstall Windows 8 and then upgrade to Windows 10?

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Syed N. Wndows are some basic questions and wincows regarding the free upgrade offer: Q: Windows 10 online free the upgrade really free? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or aindows as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit.

How satisfied are you with this discussion? Thanks for your feedback, window helps us improve the site. Previous Next. As according ссылка на страницу first Windows 10 online free we won't need to worry about paying after 1 year or so.

Once its upgraded we will be okay?????? How satisfied are you with this reply? In reply windows 10 online free Gauravg07's post on June 18, The upgrade to 10 from 7 or 8 узнать больше free for 12months. If upgrading from windows 8.

Rick Mally. Hi, Once Windows 10 is installed, could one switch back onnline Windows 8. How does the upgrade work? Is it like a queue, based on tree signed up first, or will everyone get the update at the same time?

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